Issue 8.16.19 Benefits of Coconut Flour – 1 of 3
Those of you that haven’t cooked or baked with healthy alternative flours are often intimidated because they do respond and cook differently. We, at our Cooking Institute, did all the testing for you to bring you easy-to-cook delicious variations of your favorite food that uses conventional wheat flours that convert to sugar, feed yeast, play […]
Issue 8.2.19 BioHacking – What is it…AND…Why is it Important?
BioHacking, a new scientific term, is the next frontier in healthcare – it’s all about getting to intimately know your body, and its “body talk” and take responsibility for its health – not blindly giving over its maintenance and wellness to someone else. What I’m referring to is your intestinal microbiome—the powerful, bacterial world we […]
Are You Interested in Joining Our DETOX TeleSeminar? Let us hear from you by Aug. 6th, details once we receive your email.
By request, we are preparing our PRE-holiday DETOX TeleSeminar AND POST-holiday, CLICK the attached link below for details. For over ten years I’ve offered DETOX TeleSeminars three times a year. Patients, Clients, Students and Followers are requesting one before and after the year-end holidays to prepare their body for the onslaught of those high sugar […]
Issue 7.19.19 Chronic Fatigue & Inflammation – The Connection
When chronic inflammation occurs, we often believe that it’s only the isolated area where we feel discomfort that is affected – NOT SO! Chronic fatigue of any type can be linked to inflammation and if the pain signals cross the blood-brain barrier – one more reason to understand what ignites inflammation or accelerates an existing […]
Issue 7.3.19 Inflamm…aging
‘Inflammaging’ refers to the chronic, low-grade inflammation that characterizes aging – Inflammaging is macrophage centered, involves several tissues and organs, including the gut microbiota, and is characterized by a complex balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory responses. CLICK on the LINK to read the entire article: Inflamm…aging