CDP, DAHom, ND, PhD, DSC, EcoErgonomist, Wholistic Rejuvenist Practitioner, Certified Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Practitioner, Founder/CEO: Dr. Gloria's Kitchen @ The Anti-Inflammatory Institute

Welcome, I'm Dr. Gloria

My professional commitment and passion for over 35 years is empowering my patients to, “Add more LIFE to their years by implementing Wholistic Rejuvenation Principles that incorporate Functional Medicine rather than simply add more years to their life, Naturally”

Step #1

We begin by performing an evidence-based Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) in the privacy of your home. Then, the sample is mailed to our Institute for Wholistic Rejuvenation for laboratory analysis. Once the results are emailed to me, a certified HTMA practitioner, I spend about 1 to 1.5 hours interpreting the “invisible” saboteurs of health such as nutritional imbalances and toxic heavy metals that other medical testing does not achieve.

Step #2

Next, we schedule a telephone consultation via email (Dr. G calls you worldwide or a U.S. conference line) and we consult on laboratory findings and wholistic protocols to clear the body ’s intestinal terrain (the foundation of health and immunity) — allowing you to build health fro the inside-out. Recommendations will include lifestyle and dietary modifications to accelerate the natural detoxification processes.

Step #3

Lastly but Vital, as an accomplished gourmet chef for anti-inflammatory lifestyles, I teach you what foods and substances induce
inflammation – the basis for most disorders – and what you CAN eat to enable you to “Age without feeling or looking old.”

Dr. Gloria’s FREE TeleSeminar

Listen to Dr. Gloria’s FREE TeleSeminar and Slideshow Explaining the importance of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) – Your “Invisible” Biological Blueprint.

The Health Detective Blog

If you haven't signed up for a FREE membership to my Health Detective Blog, you're missing a wealth of natural heath information.

TeleClasses & TeleSeminars

Regularly scheduled educational TeleSeminars and TeleClasses on relevant topics such as bi-annual detoxification, thyroid health, causes-effects-natural solutions to inflammation, natural functional medicine control for diabetes, etc.

Online & Post Graduate Courses

Online and Post Graduate CE Courses: New TeleClasses designed for health professionals and lay individuals who are ready to embark on a Certification Program for Wholistic Rejuvenation Practitioner and/or Instructor. Each of four modules approved for 30 hours C.E. for most health care professions.

Upcoming Events & Summits

Our Third Wholistic Rejuvenation Summit in Alabama will be held October 17-19-2020 in Huntsville, sponsored by the non-profit organization, LifeStyle Journey, hosted by Dana Sims founder/CEO of Head 2 Toe Change and a Wholistic Rejuvenist Practitioner based in Huntsville. Save the Dates now, stay tuned for registration information soon.

Dr. Gloria's Published Works

Dr. G's Published Works: Dr. G has written over 2,600 natural health investigative articles and reports for over 13 major publications, in the U.S. and abroad. To read her latest work in Total Health Magazine, CLICK HERE

Become a Dr. G Insider today...

Add MORE LIFE to your years, Not just more YEARS to your life, NaturallyBecome a Dr. G. Insider.

Meet Dr. Gloria Gilbere

CDP, DAHom, ND, PhD, DSC, EcoErgonomist, Wholistic Rejuvenist Practitioner, Certified Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Practitioner, Founder/CEO: Dr. Gloria's Kitchen @ The Anti-Inflammatory Institute

Dr. Gloria, also respectively known as “The Health Detective,” leaves no stone unturned in breaking new ground and uncovering ancient and science-based solutions to fulfil her commitment and passion.

She brings her patients and readers the best of Wholistic Rejuvenation Principles incorporating Integrative and Functional Medicine, Homeopathy and Naturopathic Medicine. She is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the causes, effects and natural solutions to inflammatory disorders and the multitudes of “invisible illnesses” plaguing our society today.

She is an award-winning bestselling author of over 28 books on health and nutrition including diet, detox, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Wholistic health, menopause, aging without looking or feeling old, multiple allergic response syndromes, and the environment.

Members Supported
Classes Taught
Meals Prepared

Health thru Education

News from our Health Detective blog

Keynote Speaker – Dr. Gloria Gilbère “Candida: The Fungus Among Us” The Summit platform is

Published in TotalHealth Magazine Online December 2019 This part of the series is especially close

"Health thru Education™"
Free eBooks

I Was Poisoned by my

Understand the importance of a simple non-invasive evidence-based test, done at home, that enables you to identify some of the “invisible” underlying nutrient imbalances and toxic heavy metals that are sabotaging your health.

Your Thyroid, Causes, Effects and Non-Drug Solutions

Learn a simple at-home skin patch test to identify if your thyroid, the master hormone control center, is really doing its job. Even if you’re on thyroid replacement, is it actually being converted to useable “fuel” for the thyroid? – not usually when it’s a synthetic supplement! Blood tests may say, “Your levels are within normal range” but are they?

Are Your Infant & Children Being Poisoned?

If we don’t stand for our children’s health, then we don’t stand for much! Everything your child is exposed to (environmentally and nutritionally) is potentially toxic and affects emotional and physical development. This book provides basic guidelines on how to raise a healthy child – from pregnancy to teens.

The Value of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)…

It measures levels of 29 major nutrient minerals and 8 toxic metals – imbalances and toxic metals in the body that most often lead to many disorders and diseases including, but not limited to:

  • adrenal &
  • thyroid exhaustion;
  • immune system disorders;
  • intestinal & digestive disorders;
  • numerous cancers;
  • hormone imbalances;
  • yeast overgrowth / candida;
  • overweight syndrome & inability to lose it;
  • multiple allergic responses & brain-fog;
  • headaches & memory loss;
  • hair loss/thinning;
  • sleep disorders;
  • skin disorders.

The full report of HTMA analysis, interpreted by Certified HTMA Practitioner Dr. Gloria, includes a detailed discussion about health and disease manifestations based upon the levels and ratios for wellness. A personal nutrition plan is presented via email identifying your current metabolic type and individualized detoxification, supplement and dietary recommendations.

To speak to Dr. Gloria

For a COMPLIMENTARY 15-minute telephone consultation (she calls you)

This offer is ONLY open to an individual who has NOT ever consulted with Dr.
Gloria. We reserve the right to decline a consultation.

*All consultations are made in
CENTRAL TIME ZONE, “Please adjust for your time zone”

    Institute for Wholistic Rejuvenation, a subsidiary of Gloria E. Gilbere, LLC - A Private Healthcare Membership Association

    Dr. Gloria Gilbere – All Rights Reserved 2020 | Design by