Name: E-mail:
Spouses Name: Emergency Contact Phone Number:
If client is Minor - Parents Names:
Home Address:
City: State: Zip:
Mailing Address:
Home Phone (with area code): Work Phone (with area code):
Employer: City: Profession:
Height: | Weight:
Ethnic Origin:
Birth Date: Referred by:
Primary Care Physician: City: Phone Number (with area code):
Check any of the following medications you are taking or have taken within the last 90 days:
Heart Medications
Oral Contraceptives
High Blood Pressure
Relaxants/Sleeping Pills
Ulcer Medications
Recreational Drugs Specify:
Other Specify:
List ALL Surgeries of Medically-diagnosed Conditions
Check if you eat, drink, or use:
Distilled water
Refined sugars
At fast food restaurants regularly
Saccharine (Sweet and Low)
Carbonated beverages
Fried foods
Chew Tobacco
Luncheon meats
Vitamins and/or Minerals
Check if you:
Diet often
Salt food without tasting
Exposed to chemicals at work
Do not exercise regularly
Under excessive stress
Exposed to cigarette smoke
List all medications taken within the past 90 days:
List all supplements:
Do you have a history of any of the following:
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Elevated blood sugar levels
Low blood sugar levels
Family history of diabetes:
Fathers side:
Mothers side:
Family history of cancer. If yes, what type:
Any hereditary condition. If yes, describe.
Heart problems. If yes, what type:
Please list below the five main complaints you have in the order of importance:
List any allergies (food, chemicals, medications, supplements, environmental, pets):
Please read carefully before submitting or signing:
I hereby authorize Gloria Gilbère, and her representatives, to act on my behalf concerning the corrective, non-drug programs offered to achieve holistic health. I specifically authorize her to evaluate my health concerns and to recommend the appropriate nutritional and detoxification programs, lifestyle and environmental modifications necessary.
I warrant that all information submitted for evaluation is submitted by me and is true to the best of my knowledge. I also attest that I am disclosing all medical information including any medical diagnosis, physicians’/therapists’ names and contact information, any drugs, herbs, supplements, allergies, or therapies I am currently having or have had within the past 90 days.
I recognize that the approach (s) recommended by Gloria Gilbère are non-medical. I also recognize that she will evaluate my condition so she can make appropriate personalized wellness protocols suited specifically for me. I, and any family members, heirs, or other parties, hereby hold Gloria Gilbère, et al harmless in any way. I understand it is my responsibility and choice to follow the wellness protocols recommended. The programs recommended by Gloria Gilbère are designed to allow the body to have the necessary natural means to promote health and healing and boost my body’s immune system by implementing nutrition-based medicine, alternative therapies as appropriate, lifestyle modifications and nutraceuticals or other natural healing modalities. I also understand that as a client of Gloria Gilbère, division of Gloria E. Gilbère, LLC, twenty dollars of my consulting fee will be applied to a one-time membership fee as part of a Private Healthcare Membership Association of The Institute for Wholistic Rejuvenation, of which Gloria Gilbère is the health care director
Clients Name: E-mail: Date:
If client is minor, parent/guardian must acknowledge below:
Name of Minor:
Name of Parent/Guardian
By clicking submit, you are confirming that the information contained above is true and correct, and acknowledge that you are providing an electronic signature. You also attest that you are submitting this document solely as a client, on this and any subsequent visits (in person, by e-cam or telephone), and solely on your own behalf and not as an agent of any agency, people, organization or parties. You also attest that any person or persons with you at this time and any future consultation by any means are strictly present to accompany you at your request and not as an agent or other representative in any way whatsoever.
Before you submit online or mail, print all your forms, you will need to upload or email us a close up photo taken within the past 30 days.
©2020 Gloria E. Gilbère, LLC, Institute for Wholistic Rejuvenation, a Private Healthcare Membership Association
I, Gloria Gilbère, am neither a medical or naturopathic physician, and do not hold myself out as one. I am trained as a doctor of natural health and wholistic nutrition, a certified dietary supplement counselor, and as a clinical and classical homeopath.
As a client, you will be informed of the natural approaches necessary for a lifestyle of healthy living**. The recommendations given are not a substitute for conventional medical treatment; they are natural, non-drug protocols. I do not diagnose, treat or cure, but rather work within holistic, integrative natural protocols to achieve health. It is my goal to assist you in dealing with the underlying causes of your condition, not merely the effects accomplishing a natural overall approach to your health and quality of life. For any medical problem, it is important that you disclose to my office the name of your physician, any allergies, and any medications you are taking, or have taken within the past 90 days.
At this time, most insurance companies do not pay for nutritional, environmental or wellness healthcare consulting. Please SAVE ALL YOUR RECEIPTS, we do not bill or deal with insurance companies or year end summaries. It is your responsibility to submit or deal with your insurance carrier if your policy covers nutritional and wellness services. Payment is due at time of service, no exceptions we accept Visa and Master Card.
If we should have to use legal or collection means to collect on your account, you agree that you will be responsible for all charges/fees incurred by us. A finance charge of 2.5 percent per month will be added to all balances beyond 15 days.
Name of Minor: Age:
Name of Parent/Guardian: Date:
A doctor of natural health recognizes the healing power of nature, incorporating diet, exercise, pure water, rest, sunlight and fresh air. A doctor of natural health prepares each student to educate and empower the public to actively choose a healthy lifestyle. A doctor of natural health does not perform invasive procedures, diagnose, treat illness, or prescribe drugs. He / She focuses the clients attention through education to attain, fine-tune, and maximize his / her own homeostasis. This holistic approach incorporates health promotion by giving equal consideration to body, mind and spirit. It is a proactive model rather than a reactive (allopathic) model of health care.
Holistic Nutrition, natural health and rejuvenation focuses on health through education rather than diagnosis. The training prepares each practitioner with a solid foundation in nutrition counseling including nutraceuticals, minerals, homeopathic, and herbals, as well as organic "living foods". Wholistic Rejuvenation counseling includes natural detoxification methodologies to assist the body in reducing its overall toxic burden; facilitating natural healing processes at a return to homoestasis by implementing nutrition-based medicine principles.
Copyright 2020 Gloria E. Gilbere, LLC, Institute for Wholistic Rejuvenation, a Private Healthcare Membership Association
Patient Name: Email: Date:
Weight: Height: Eye Color:
Rate each of the following symptoms based upon your typical health profile for the past 30 days.
Point Scale:
0 = Never or almost never have the symptom 1 = Occasionally have it; effect is not severe 2 = Occasionally have it; effect is severe 3 = Frequently have it; effect is not severe 4 = Frequently have it; effect is severe
Headaches: 01234
Faintness: 01234
Dizziness: 01234
Insomnia: 01234
Watery or itchy eyes: 01234
Swollen, reddened or sticky eyelids: 01234
Bags or dark circles under eyes: 01234
Blurred or tunnel vision (Does not include near- or far-sightedness): 01234
Itchy ears: 01234
Earaches, ear infections: 01234
Drainage from ear: 01234
Ringing in ears, hearing loss: 01234
Stuffy nose: 01234
Sinus problems: 01234
Hay fever: 01234
Sneezing attacks: 01234
Excessive mucus formation: 01234
Chronic coughing: 01234
Gagging, frequent need to clear throat: 01234
Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice: 01234
Swollen or discolored tongue, gums, lips: 01234
Canker sores: 01234
Acne: 01234
Hives, rashes, dry skin: 01234
Hair loss: 01234
Flushing, hot flashes: 01234
Excessive sweating: 01234
Irregular or skipped heartbeat: 01234
Rapid or pounding heartbeat: 01234
Chest pain: 01234
Chest congestion: 01234
Asthma, bronchitis: 01234
Shortness of breath: 01234
Difficulty breathing: 01234
Nausea, vomiting: 01234
Diarrhea: 01234
Constipation: 01234
Bloated feeling: 01234
Belching, passing gas: 01234
Heartburn: 01234
Intestinal/stomach pain: 01234
Pain or aches in joint: 01234
Arthritis: 01234
Stiffness or limitation of movement: 01234
Pain or aches in muscles: 01234
Feeling of weakness or tiredness: 01234
Binge eating/drinking: 01234
Craving certain foods: 01234
Excessive weight: 01234
Compulsive eating: 01234
Water retention: 01234
Underweight: 01234
Fatigue, sluggishness: 01234
Apathy, lethargy: 01234
Hyperactivity: 01234
Restlessness: 01234
Poor memory: 01234
Confusion, poor comprehension: 01234
Poor concentration: 01234
Poor physical coordination: 01234
Difficulty in making decisions: 01234
Stuttering or stammering: 01234
Slurred speech: 01234
Learning disabilities: 01234
Mood swings: 01234
Anxiety, fear, nervousness: 01234
Anger, irritability, aggressiveness: 01234
Depression: 01234
Frequent illness: 01234
Frequent or urgent urination: 01234
Genital itch or discharge: 01234
Are you sensitive/allergic to fragrances (perfume, air fresheners, fabric softeners, candles, etc.)? If so, list:
Do you use a self-cleaning oven? YesNo
Do you color your hair? YesNo Do you permanent wave your hair? YesNo Do you wear acrylic nails? YesNo
Do you use clothes dryer fabric softener sheets? YesNo
Do you use conventional window/glass cleaners? YesNo
Are you sensitive/allergic to refueling your car? YesNo
How old is your car? How old is your home?
Does your home have standing water or visible mold? YesNo
Have you recently painted any room in your home or office? YesNo
Is the carpet in your home or office newer than 2 years? YesNo
What type of cook stove do you have? (check which one) Natural gas, Electric, Wood, Propane, Solar power
What type of heat do you have in your home? (check which one) Natural gas, Electric, Radiant, Wood, Propane, Solar power, Hot water, Baseboard heat
Do you use a microwave oven at home or office? YesNo
Are your mattresses newer than 4 years? YesNo If so, when were they purchased?
Do you use fragranced spray room fresheners or plug-in fresheners? YesNo
Do you use carpet sprays for cleaning or deodorizing? YesNo
How many times per year do you travel by air?
Have you traveled outside the U.S.? YesNoIf so, when was last trip:
Do you get symptoms of any of the following when exposed to any environmental factors? YesNo (If yes, check those that apply):
Cortisone/Anti-inflammatories Stuffy nose
Antibiotic/Antifungal Muscle aches
Heart Medications Blurred vision
Oral Contraceptives Trouble concentrating
Are you exposed to chemicals in your work/profession? YesNo If so, what type?
Has your home or office been remodeled within the past 4 years? YesNoIf so, when:
If you use a computer, how many hours average per day do you use it?
If you commute to your office or place of business, how long is your commute in time? in miles round trip per day or total miles per week.
DENTAL HEALTH: How often do you regularly get your teeth cleaned by either a dentist or hygienist? When was the last time you had a professional teeth cleaning? Month: Year: Do you have any root canals? YesNoIf so where: Do you have any silver (amalgam) fillings? YesNo If you’ve had silver (amalgam) fillings replaced, give Month: Year: Do you wear, or have you ever worn a night-guard? YesNo Are you allergic to epinephrine in local anesthetic? YesNo If so, what type of anesthetic can you tolerate? Does your tongue have a definite white coating? YesNo Have you had any extractions? YesNo If so, describe location of teeth and approximate year of extraction: Do you wear a partial or dentures? YesNo If so, which: Partial Denture Have you been diagnosed with TMJ syndrome? YesNo Are you overly apprehensive about going to the dentist? YesNo Do you experience headaches, depression, anxiety or emotionally fragile systems after local anesthetic? No (If yes, check those that apply):
Emotionally Fragile
Have you had any dental implants? YesNo Have you ever had an allergic reaction either in the dental office or as a result of a dental procedure? YesNo If so, explain: Does your biological father have dentures? YesNo If so, at what age approximately did they receive them? Does your biological mother have dentures? YesNo If so, at what age approximately did they receive them? Did you have a lot of cavities as a child and adolescent? YesNo What type of product do you use to brush your teeth? Describe: Do you floss daily? YesNo Do you use toothpicks? YesNo Have you been told you have any form of gum (periodontal) disease? YesNo If so, describe: Have you ever had I.V. sedation? YesNo Was your experience positive? YesNo If not, explain: Does heart disease run in your family? YesNo Do inflammatory disorders fun in your family (Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Gout, Lupus etc.) YesNo If so, describe condition and relationship: When was your last dental visit for restorative work? Month: Year: Do you have difficulty swallowing pills? YesNo Do you gag easily? YesNo Do you get nausea easily? YesNo Do you experience sinus infections? YesNoHow Often? Do you experience migraine-type headaches? YesNo How Often? Who is your dentist? Dr.: City: State: Country:
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